Program removal of the depressive syndrome
The program of restoration and preservation of health developed by the Academy of Health Coral Club. Based on the book O.A .Butakova «Compendium of health programs.»
Nutritsiological and rehabilitation programs developed by doctors of various specialties and are based on the natural means of the highest quality.
FolicAcid – 1 tablet once a day during a meal helps improve mood, reduce depressive background. It plays an important role in the formation of epinephrine stress affecting the body.
CoralLecithin – 1 capsule 2 times a day. Its deficiency leads to a thinning of the myelin sheath, malfunction of the nervous system and the appearance of irritation, reducing the rate of reactions.
Omega 3/60 – 1 capsule 2 times a day. To improve conduction of nerve impulses in the central and peripheral nervous system.
GotuKola – 1 tablet 2 times a den.Sposobstvuet improve cerebral circulation, accelerates thinking, improves physical performance of the body.
PowerMin – 1 powder 1-2 times a day. It increases resistance to adverse environmental conditions, promotes regeneration of damaged tissue at the cellular level.
Griffonia – to set the mood. Application look at the packaging.
Coral Mine (Coral-Mine), Coral water, coral calcium – one bag to throw in a glass enclosed vessel with a capacity of 1.5 – 2 liters of drinking for 15-20 minutes before meals and 1 – 1.5 hours after eating. Drink during the day. You can drink capsules, tablets and powders. Aimed at maintaining optimal body water balance. Has improved biological properties (low surface tension, slightly alkaline pH levels, contains about 70 essential minerals, macro-and microelements in digestible form and optimal ratios, cleaned of chlorine and toxic substances), meets the needs of the body’s cells. Water has an ordered structure of atoms becomes bioavailable digestible.
The program will help fill the balance of vitamins in the body, the unfavorable period of life. Raises vitality.
Depressive syndrome – psychopathological syndrome, (depression) is characterized by affective, ideational and motor braking. Affect angst is vital character with the discomfort in the form of compression or pain in the heart, sometimes headache and pain in the epigastric region. Depressive affect accompanies all perception of. The world is perceived gray, bleak, no interest. All impressions previously pleasure (music, jokes, laughter), seem unpleasant. Memories of the past are also painted in dark tones. Past life is estimated to be in error, wrong, come to mind transferred resentment, misery. Real also drawn a gloomy, hopeless, horrible. The future is even more difficult. Many believe that they will never return to the family, at work.
When depression occurs ideatornye braking deceleration manifested associative processes. People barely comprehends questions surrounding slowly meet more complex issues for them unaffordable. Reduced intensity, clarity of perception of all seems indistinct, dim, “in a fog”, patients are not as bright as before, perceive color, taste worse. Range of perceptions and interests narrowed. People with depression do not read, not interested in the events in the world and their family, all their attention is directed to themselves, the severity of the condition. They complain of memory loss, mental stress all seem heavy and impractical.
In some cases, on the contrary, there is a very profound motor inhibition. In such cases we say about depression with stupor.
Allocate another option depressive syndrome – psychasthenic depression. It is characterized by motor and mental unexpressed braking, low mood, indecision, lack of confidence in their abilities, obsessive doubts, the so-called blasphemous thoughts, compulsive actions. In some cases develops fear of sharp objects, which is often associated with thoughts of suicide. In some cases develop obsessive ideas that are shaped and depressive nature of their content. They reflect the apprehension of people: when you look at the land they have a thought of death, when you look at the cars on the road – the idea of suicide. In some cases, fear of growing sick any serious illness. People become grouchy, constantly complain on something. They lowered the perception of self that used to be fuller and brighter. They feel changed, as if they have become a shadow of his “I”, gray, bleak, devoid of the future.
Depressive syndromes can occur in a variety of mental illnesses. They may represent a phase of manic-depressive illness, may occur during various organic diseases, schizophrenia, as one of the initial stages of mental changes in protracted somatogenic psychosis may occur in progressive paralysis, representing the so-called depressive its shape. In addition, depression can occur as a reaction to psychogenic or somatogenic harmfulness. These depressions are called reactive depression.
The most common factors of depression
Violence. Experienced in the past sexual, physical or emotional abuse provokes the appearance of depression in later life.
Medicines. For example, some medications used in the treatment of high blood pressure may cause depression.
Conflict. Depression can occur due to constant quarrels and conflicts with family or friends.
Death or loss. Pain or deep sorrow after the loss of a loved one, can also increase the risk of depression.
Heredity. Cases of depression in the family, increase the risk of its manifestations. There is also a version that depression can be passed from generation to generation. But as it is not really known.
Important events in life. Events such as a new job, graduating from high school or marriage, can cause depression. Equivalent as t job loss or basic earnings, divorce or retirement.
Personal problems. Social isolation due to other mental illness or exclusion from the family or social group, also leads to depression.
Serious illness. Very often, depression is common in people with serious diseases, or developed as a reaction to them.
Alcohol or drug dependence. Over 30% of people suffering from drug or alcohol addictions, and also suffer from severe or clinical depression.
How does depression?
Some people with depression, say depression – is a black stripe in their life, a series of misfortunes, when all seems in black. Many say that they feel that they lack the physical and spiritual strength, energy, and they can not concentrate. Others are constantly experiencing the causeless irritability over small things. Different people have depression manifests differently.
People who are depressed may say:
- “I always feel sad.”
- “I feel some not so.”
- “I do not get pleasure from communicating with friends or things that had pleased me.”
- “sleep brings me relief.”
- “I have unexplainable pain throughout the body.”
- “Sometimes I do not see the point in my life.”
The main symptoms of depression
Emotional symptoms:
- Constant sadness, irritability, tension.
- Loss of interest in things that previously brought pleasure. Very characteristic symptom is the inability to enjoy life.
- Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, fatigue, slow thinking, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, compulsive return to the same issues.
- Fear (before everyday life or indefinite), inner restlessness, anxiety.
- Irritability.
- Low self-esteem and lack of confidence.
- Unwillingness or lack of strength to communicate with friends and acquaintances.
Physical symptoms:
- Constant feeling of lack of strength, a feeling of weakness and fatigue, volatile pain, headaches.
- Feeling melancholy as “stone” in the sternum.
- Sleep disorders: difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, early morning waking up with the inability to fall asleep afterwards. Or vice versa – constant sleepiness.
- A feeling of weakness, powerlessness in the mornings, even impossible to stand up. Sometimes patients prolezhivayut whole day in bed. However, often there is some activity in the evening.
- Loss of appetite, accompanied by weight loss or, more rarely, weight gain.
- Characterized by changes in taste. People who are depressed, they say: “Food has become tasteless, like grass.” No less characterized by loss of taste in food – the man is still there, he does not want “delicious.”
- Colors may appear dim, sounds unnatural world “flat.”
- Sexual disorders (loss of libido, potency disorders).
- Vegetative symptoms (dry mouth, constipation, sweating, palpitations, pupil dilation).
- Thoughts of guilt and self-blame.
- Gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future.
- Sometimes in severe cases of depression accompanied by thoughts of death or suicidal thoughts.
If these are typical symptoms last at least two weeks, daily and take most of the day, in this case we can talk about depression as a disease that must be treated.
What to do to not get depressed
- Lead an active lifestyle. Exercise, dance and yoga. Do not leave time for the negative, unwanted thoughts. If you have always something to do, then you will not have time, and the desire to negative, depressive thoughts that push you to the bottom.
- Do not take alcohol and drugs – they might cause deterioration.
- Try not to abuse hypnotics.
- Take care of your body.
- Eat regularly and with pleasure.
- Make yourself schedule and try to follow it religiously.
- Do not blame yourself for failure, not “hung up” on it, and first of all, calm down, gather your thoughts and carefully analyze what was your fault, and then to try to find a fresh solution.
- Does not impose itself too demanding.
- Поощряйте себя за какие-либо достижения (сходите в ресторан, в театр, купите себе обновку – порадуйте себя чем-нибудь, что Вам приносит удовольствие).
- Отдых неотъемлемая часть жизни. Хорошо поработал, хорошо и отдохни. Медитация хороший способ расслабить свой организм, избавиться от негативной энергии.
- Ходите на массаж, в сауну.
- Чаще общайтесь с близкими и друзьями.
*Programs are not drugs and their therapeutic doses much lower.