Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus – 14 Days Total Body Cleanse
Key benefits:
- Helps cleanse internal residue, toxins & parasites
- Improves regularity
- Revitalizes overall Health & Vitality
- Essential for Weight Loss
It consists of several phases; it’s functional, physiological and effective. It cleanses not only the entire gastrointestinal tract but also the entire body on the cellular level.
What is it?
The Colo-Vada Plus is a highly effective 14-day total-body cleanse system. This bestselling product has helped millions of people detox and cleanse their bodies and regain their health.
What is it formulated to do?
The Colo-Vada Plus cleanse system has been expertly formulated to help achieve radiant health through cleansing and detoxification. Ridding the body of accumulated toxins and restoring proper digestive function is imperative for health.
Who may benefit?
Most people can benefit from a semi-annual or seasonal cleanse to rid the body of harmful toxins, parasites and accumulated waste products.
The author of the program is a Canadian scientist, Doctor Albert Zehr.

Let’s consider some facts:
Since a present day person mostly feeds on refined, thermally processed food that is lacking in live enzymes, the digestive process suffers. As a result, human’s intestines pile up from 4 to 19 kg underdigested protein waste materials that undergo the process of rotting and accumulating metabolic waste which, getting into the blood, cause chronic intoxication of the body.
«Colo-Vada» helps the body eliminate toxic accumulations. While taking «Colo-Vada» people lose on the average 2–8kg, first of all, due to elimination of this waste. Besides, the program contains herbs, which help bind and eliminate toxins from the cells of the heart, liver, brain and other organs.
According to opinion of some authors in different countries, from 80 to 95% of population suffer from a parasitic infection. According to the data presented by Royal Medical Academy of Great Britain, 85% of the country’s population are affected by a parasitic infection. According to the data presented by World Health Organization, parasites are the most common cause (from 50 to 100%) of oncological diseases with different localization. A parasitic infection is very dangerous because a person doesn’t have any obvious symptoms of it quite for long, so he doesn’t fight with it; besides, parasites are our competitors in fight for nutrients. They grow fast, multiply and poison us with their waste products. If we feed an ascarid with vitamins A, C, E, its «life span» will increase by 3 times, and a female of fish worm will lay about 1 million eggs.
«Colo-Vada» Program helps to eliminate parasites not through the use of toxic chemical substances but through the use of natural means, such as «Black walnut leaves» that also strengthens our immune system and contains 8 times more vitamin C than black currants.
Nowadays, it’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t use antibiotics both as a medicine and, unintentionally, as a constituent of long shelf life products. As a result, we have a vast spread of dysbacteriosis – breach of quality and quantity composition of wholesome for a man flora (Lactobacillus and L.bifidus).
Probiotics perform a great number of functions in our body. They help t decompose and digest food, produce vitamins (for instance, coliform bacillus produces 8 B-group vitamins), bind poisons, : they are a part of a person’s immune system, protecting the body from growth of pathogenic flora.
Besides probiotics, «Colo-Vada» Program contains their food – cellulose in the form of alfalfa.
The cleansing program contains a «Colo-Vada» powder, a powerful absorbent that swells in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing appetite, and mildly and profoundly cleansing the body of the smallest toxic substances.
Partial loss of nutrients and exhaustive work of fermentative system accompany any cleansing program.
«Colo-Vada» Program contains not only a wide spectrum of vitamins, macro and micronutrients but also some sufficient doses of enzymes to regenerate and optimize the function of the entire digestive system.
So, what does the entire cleansing program look like and what is the final result of it?
The first 14 days – 2 weeks we carry out a preliminary detoxification, daily drinking 1,5 litter of water, containing coral «Coral-Mine» . It helps us dilute blood and lymph and prepare the transport system for more effective elimination of toxins and poisons.
Then come two weeks of profound cleansing by «Colo-Vada» Program.
In a month, you’ll hardly recognize yourself! You have a sound sleep, you are full of energy, you’ve got rid of an unpleasant smell of sweat, a bad mouth smell, there appears a youthful complexion, the protruding belly has become flat, at last you have seen your waist, blood tension has come to its norm, you aren’t more short- winded. Many people get rid of their cysts. Polyps and cysts are indexes of the fourth stage of internal pollution.
Moreover, the function of the hormonal system is also restoring. In many families suffering from chronic sterility, there appear so long -awaited children.
You must realize that it’s impossible to cleanse the body once and for good. Our world isn’t sterile, that’s why as we do a major cleaning of the house two times a year, we should also profoundly cleanse our body not less than two times a year.
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